Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Nap for the City That Never Sleeps

Never say never.

Who would think that a city like New York would stop all of its activity for a day. We are so used to being able to ride subways day and night and buy groceries any time we want. Still, being locked up in one's house is not as bad as, for example, losing power - something I dreaded the most. I didn't buy extra food or extra water, but I did charge all of my electronic devices.

Luckily for me, even though the lights blinked throughout all of Monday evening, the power stood up to the challenge, which made me appreciate the place where I live even more.

And not only that. It is amazing that nowadays people are able to predict natural disasters and get ready for them. Imagine what would happen to the people residing in zones A, B and C if they didn't know they needed to evacuate (I'm sure there are still some who didn't) and to the subways, still covered in water. Sandy did caused a few deaths, but had we not been ready for it, there would be many more casualties. Modern technology is something we are used to and often don't appreciate. Yes, in most cases it's just a matter of convenience, but when there is a natural disaster, knowing saves lives.

Of course, knowing freaks us out as well. Had we not known, we would probably sleep better, not worrying about what would happen. We would not have to reassure ourselves and others that "it's just going to be a lot of wind and rain." We would just relax and go on with our lives until it hit us.

Personally for me, since I live outside of all danger zones, the hurricane turned out to be nothing more but the wind that fiercely knocked at my door all night and the rain that locked me up in my house for two days, Monday and Tuesday. It was scary, but it did give me an extra day to sleep and study indoors. Having no desire to observe the natural disaster outdoors, I didn't even think of coming out. The whole city is closed down - where does anyone want to go?

The subway system is still out, but the buses resumed the service; therefore, the city gradually awakens from its short nap. It will take time to repair the damage, but time and hard work will heal the wounds. What we need to remember, though, is that as New Yorkers, we almost never see time stopping and the city sleeping. We often feel that the guy with a bicycle is going down the subway stairs too slowly and it's because of him we miss the upcoming train. In reality, however, life happens, and we don't need to get upset and annoyed. Instead, we must always make the best out of every day. Life goes by so quickly that it's not as important to miss the train as it is devastating to rush through the life and miss the best of it.

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